The Infrequent Flyer
Welcome to the home of our email newsletter, the "Infrequent Flyer"!
In our monthly-ish newsletter, we at the Slattery Sales Group bring you valuable tips for increased success in selling, along with personal recommendations we've found worthy of sharing.
(like books, music, articles, or that one funny YouTube video with athletes celebrating wins prematurely JUST like salespeople).
If you haven't yet gotten on the list,
you can join here:
Tip #1: Use your personal email, not your work email! That way you can seamlessly stay connected with us, no matter what next moves you make in your career.
Tip #2: Watch your inbox and confirm your email, because we prefer humans to robots here at Slattery Sales Group.
Tip #3: Greenlight us in your email system so you can get our emails going forward! (Seriously. We end up in spam nets ALL THE TIME.)
If you're new, WELCOME!
We're the Slattery Sales Group, and we're passionate about empowering great sellers and great companies to win complex sales.
Catch up on past editions of the Infrequent Flyer here:
Get the Infrequent Flyer delivered straight to your inbox each month:
Tip #1: Use your personal email, not your work email! That way you can seamlessly stay connected with us, no matter what next moves you make in your career.
Tip #2: Watch your inbox and confirm your email, because we prefer humans to robots here at Slattery Sales Group.
Tip #3: Greenlight us in your email system so you can get our emails going forward! (Seriously. We end up in spam nets ALL THE TIME.)