Improve margins.

Shrink sales cycles.

Command value.

Enhance your skills and results with the Slattery Sales Program. Enjoy increased top-line revenue, lower selling costs, bankable forecasts, higher closing rates, and stronger margins.

Join Now

Selling Today Isn't Getting Any Easier.

Prospects are pushing you for ridiculous concessions.

You're being compared to your lower-priced competitors.

Customers are sending out RFI/RFPs that don't account for your value.

You're presenting your solution to prospects who act interested but don't buy.

You're being asked to match the price of competitors who aren't as good as you.

You can get to the C-suite, but have trouble getting back after they send you to Nerdley.

You're trapped at procurement, supply chain, or vendor management and struggling to get to a real customer.

Whatever your title, role, or industry,

you run conversations that generate revenue for your business.

Founder. CEO. CRO. CGO. Entrepreneur. Salesperson. Relationship manager. Consultant. SaaS provider. Sales team leader. Independent service provider. Independent insurance agent. Financial planner. Manufacturing rep. Distribution & logistics rep. Sales manager. Account manager.

And today, that's more challenging than ever.

Are your prospects telling you, "Times are tough..."?

Are they demanding ludicrous payment terms?

Are you seeing fewer ideal prospects in your deal pipeline?

Are competitors making impossible promises to win the deal?

Are your prospects dragging out the length of your sales?

Are your margins shrinking just enough to make you nervous?

Are your clients trying to change standing agreements for lower prices?

What would it mean for your business if you could:

  • Close the biggest opportunities of your life – without the extra time delays, concessions requests, and last-minute surprises?
  • Inject fresh urgency into your conversations so prospects talk themselves into moving forward ?
  • Hear prospects using YOUR definition of what you could bring them, rather than comparing you to your lower-priced (and inferior-quality) competitors in the marketplace?
  • Keep the fiction out of your forecast and more accurately predict your revenues?
  • Spend your precious time and resources engaging prospects who WILL actually buy?
  • Win more business at higher margins, even when competitors are yelling, "We do that, too, only cheaper/better/faster!"


You've paid the consultants for their great ideas, but you still have the problem.

You've tried the tips & tricks from sales gurus, but your deals aren't speeding up.

You've optimized your value prop, but your prospects still think you're a commodity.

You've implemented a sales process, but your forecast is still coming up short.

You've attended the seminars and read the books, but they lacked fresh insights.

You bought the fancy CRM, but are still waiting for the promised R.O.I. on it.

...But the lift you seek is still eluding you.

You're ready for real results.

You have ZERO time for fluff.

You want insights that work for YOUR sale, YOUR industry, YOUR competitive situation… TODAY.


The Slattery Sales Program

Empowering great sellers and companies to master the skills, techniques, and clarity needed to control and win complex sales at high margins.

The Slattery Sales Program combines world-class Slattery sales training with high-impact coaching in an collaborative community of selling professionals.

We'll help you master the skills, techniques, and clarity needed to control and win complex sales at high margins

“Once you master this way of selling, you get your dignity back as a sales person.”

"Best training and advice I have ever had as a sales professional."

“We learned so much it was absolutely phenomenal... I was overwhelmed by how much we learned and how much we were able to put into play immediately."

Life BEFORE Slattery Sales Training:

  • Your clients push for more (and crazier) concessions.
  • Your prospects tell you they're thinking over your offer, then ghost you.
  • Your early meetings go really well, but then you have trouble getting back in (or worse, you get sent down to "Nerdley" and can't get back up the org chart).
  • Your competitors are yelling, "We do that, too, only cheaper / better / faster!" and your prospects can't distinguish the noise.
  • You find yourself spending time responding to RFIs and RFPs that you didn't help create.
  • Your prospects are asking you for yet another demonstration before they make their final decision.
  • You're being asked by prospects to explain (again) your value for them.
  • You get nasty late-stage surprises in opportunities you thought were on the brink of closing.
  • Your sales cycles start dragging out unnecessarily.
  • You're sitting in more drawn-out pipeline meetings about deals that aren't moving.
  • You're being asked to try yet another sales method / tip / trick you KNOW won't work for your sale.

Life AFTER Slattery Sales Training:

  • Your clients start using YOUR definition of what you could do for them (and not your competitors').
  • Your prospects worry less about the cost of doing business with you, and more about the cost of NOT doing business with you.
  • You reach the right targets at the right level in your prospect organization, and stay there.
  • You start winning more at high value, no matter what your competitors are offering.
  • Your sales start moving and closing at an even faster cadence.
  • Your Differentiating Value becomes the most important factor in your prospect's RFPs.
  • You influence their decision-making process to value your unique differentiators over a competitor's lower price
  • You mitigate even the trickiest late-stage risks and find yourself with fewer surprises as you approach closing.
  • Your personal revenue rises enough to pay off your loans, cushion your future, give substantially, and go on that dream vacation.
  • Your colleagues and leaders start asking you how and why your results are noticeably different.

The Slattery Sales Program Includes:

Sales Skills & Process Training

"A lot of times you go into these trainings and you know 90% of the material already, and you’ll get maybe 10%... Wow. I was overwhelmed by how much all of us learned and how much we were able to put into play immediately."

We teach a holistic, prospect-centered selling system that not only teaches the right steps to follow from prospecting to closing, but also teaches the nuanced behavioral and communication skills needed to effectively engage prospects and win high-value deals at high margins.

You can learn the material over 15 modules of high-impact, interruption-free sales process training at your own speed, from wherever you are. Self-pace it. Replay it. And replay it again. The materials are available to you for your full 12 months of the Slattery Sales Program.

Maps to Training Curriculum

You will get customized 'maps' to our sales training curriculum, so you can pace your own progress, and even choose to focus on certain modules to enhance specific skills.

We offer maps to help you get to mastery in 90 days, or accelerate your pace to mastery in 6 weeks. We offer maps for Account Managers and client-facing non-selling professionals to focus on enhance communication skills, and for leaders to focus on leading and forecasting.

Our Valuable Templates & Exercises

You'll have the opportunity to enhance your sales assets by completing various exercises with valuable proprietary templates, which we'll share with you in our online curriculum.

You'll be able to fully customize them to your sales as you apply our methods and processes to your business, so you leave the Slattery Sales Program with assets and language unique to your opportunities in the marketplace.

Live Strategy Calls

On monthly private group strategy calls, we'll dive into a timely topic, celebrate wins, and collect questions from our community.

We know you're busy, so all calls are recorded and available for you to review at your convenience in case you can't make it to a call.

Curated Q&A Support

Send us your questions about your live deals in process, sales challenges, difficult stalls, squirmy prospects, and any other conundrums you're facing!

We'll collect all of your questions, curate them (anonymity is important to many of our clients in certain industries), and answer the most relevant topics for the group so you get the insights you need!

Collaborative Community

You don't have to do sales alone. In our private community, you will join an elite group of high-achieving revenue professionals who understand the challenges of selling and complex sales are personally invested in their own increasing success.

Share your sales wins, losses, comments, insights, and questions in our online forum to grow even further than you would on your own.

And best of all... twelve months to access all of it.

Twelve months of Slattery sales skills & process training.

Twelve months of collaborative community networking and support.

Twelve months of high-impact monthly calls.

Our Clients

2,400+ client companies, thousands of salespeople,

170+ industries, and 4 decades...

To say that they have transformed our sales would be a complete understatement.”

- Director of Business Development, precision manufacturing company

“Our business is specialized. When we hire people to help us, they often don’t understand what we do. But this tailored approach – it really fit our business.”

- Founder and President, energy consulting business

Our senior level subject matter experts need to generate revenue. Slattery’s approach is extremely well-aligned with how we look at sales in a professional services environment.

- CEO, consulting firm

"Best training I've ever encountered."

"Always the best sales strategies!"

"Best training and advice I have ever had as a sales professional."

"You should only pay attention if you want to increase your sales and margins."

"Follow Slattery's rules and make more sales. Guaranteed!"

"If you are not working with Slattery, you are losing deals you should be winning."

"On the very first day I started learning the Slattery method, I turned a price request into a $250,000 deal. Thank you!

"This strategy is applicable and successful across multiple industries. I still recommend this training to other sales reps!"

"Still using your techniques with great success, COVID and all! We are now $1.3B!!!!!"



TRAINING, Support, & Community

You're a high achiever who works independently AND thrives with coaching and community support. You're ready to learn, question, and share what's working in the Slattery way with others who are learning alongside you. This rich hybrid program is for you.

  • Twelve months of on-demand world-class sales training
  • Valuable tools and templates to enhance your sales assets
  • Program guides to pace your own progress
  • Monthly semi-private coaching calls with Slattery
  • Ongoing asynchronous Q&A support between calls
  • Online community for extra support and networking
  • Private 1:1 Support


for twelve months

(or save $ by paying in full!)


The Slattery Sales Program

This entire program has been built for busy elite sellers & executives who want a lift in results – theirs and the company’s – without any wasted time.

Do this from anywhere in the world, on your own schedule.

Here's what you can expect

in our 12 months together:

  • Complete the Sales Process Training materials to learn Slattery’s selling methods at your own pace, on your own time, wherever you are, replaying modules as many times as necessary. (All of the bite-sized videos total just under 15 hours; most clients watch them multiple times.)
  • Use our powerful templates and exercises to develop strategic assets and language unique to your sales, to help you compete more effectively in the marketplace against lower-priced competitors.
  • Send us your questions and challenges; we'll collect and curate them, and make sure you get the answers you need as you put the Slattery process and methods to work for you.
  • Connect with other elite revenue professionals in our collaborative community online to get fresh ideas and perspectives.
  • Join us for monthly semi-private live strategy calls on Zoom. These calls are ONLY open to Program clients. We share insights, collect questions, celebrate wins together, and more!

In just 60 days,

you could have total clarity

around your Differentiating Value

(which probably isn't what you think it is)

and develop powerful language around it, so you can confidently compete in the marketplace with premium pricing.

And that's just the first 60 days.

Where do you want to be in 12 months?

With our help in the Slattery Sales Program, you will:

  • Qualify your sales opportunities to avoid unpaid consulting.
  • Leverage your real Differentiating Value and protect your margins throughout the sales process.
  • Position your company to beat the competition in spite of your higher prices.
  • Develop powerful language about what makes your offer unique and demonstrably better.
  • Adopt world-class communication skills that will set you apart from your competitors so prospects engage (willingly!) with you.
  • Strategize effective new ways to deal with the issues that competitors are raising right now with your prospects.

Signs your Sale is on Life Support

  • You're talking to "the decision-maker".
  • They're really interested and want to know more.
  • You're telling prospects what value you can bring them.
  • You're responding to an RFP you didn't help create.
  • Your clients and prospects are pushing for more payment concessions.
  • Your prospect told you they're thinking over your offer.
  • You're up against competitors that seem to offer the exact same 'stuff' at lower prices.


only half of salespeople make quota.

...and 'normal' is gone.

The sales game has changed.

It's harder than ever to get in front of the right customer.

The sales cycle is faster, tougher, and less forgiving of weak skills and processes.

There has never been a better time to invest in your professional skills.

Starting NOW will allow you to compete more effectively in a rapidly changing marketplace.

Who's a great fit for the Slattery Sales Program?

Clients like you!

Independent service providers & consultants

You're a specialist in a particular process, technology, or service. Since you're a closely-held business, you feel it acutely when a sale takes longer than anticipated to close, or when prospects pressure you on pricing or concessions.

Independent agents: insurance, realty, financial planning, employee benefits

You're probably not part of the big-name organizations that already have training departments who know everything. You may have customer-service people working with you, but business development falls squarely on your shoulders. You must grow your business by selling your products and services. This can be a difficult sale when your products, like insurance plans, look exactly the same as your competitors, but we can help you offer value in other ways that differentiate you.

Manufacturing, Distribution, and Logistics Firms and Reps

You are an independent rep selling solutions, or you lead a sales team that does. Your sales process is complex, but not impossibly convoluted. You don't have an internal training department, but your salespeople definitely need guidance and solid training.

SaaS (Software as a Service) providers

You've built amazing solutions. You have an entrepreneurial mindset. You don't want to take the time to send your people off to training because you're focused on growing NOW. Your competitors are hot on your heels. You will probably find our Differentiation coaching most valuable.

Account Managers

You've been entrusted with maintaining and nurturing your organization's clients and the valuable revenue streams they provide. You are responsible for continually selling to them long after the initial deal has been closed, and your selling skills are critical! Competitors (internal and external) are always circling, ready to convince your client to move away. This selling system teaches you not only the selling skills necessary to maximize these accounts, but also how to get ahead of the RFP/RFQ process.

Sales Leaders (VPs of Sales, CEOs)

You're the Sales VP or the CEO of a business doing a between $10 million and $100 million annual revenue. Your sales process is long and complex but not impossibly convoluted. You're looking for fresh insights and support to help you succeed in one of the most difficult roles in the marketplace, ever.

Independent salespeople

Congratulations! The fact that you're even looking into this level of professional development means you're exactly the kind of person we'd LOVE to work with. Want to build a career with incredible selling skills? You're in the right place. Some people spend six figures on MBAs and advanced degrees; you can enhance the most valuable skills the marketplace desperately needs (and will pay well!).

Is this a fit for YOU?

The Slattery Sales Program could be a great fit for you if you are:

  • An elite seller who wants to win more opportunities, in less time, and at higher margins – and you’re ready to invest in yourself.
  • An executive who wants to see enhanced growth in both margins and top-line revenues at your enterprise; I can’t wait to share our insights on competitive strategic differentiation with you!
  • A leader who knows that more lift is available for your sales organization, and you want to learn more about the methods that could help your team close more opportunities and have fiction-free forecasts.
  • A non-selling professional, peripherally involved in a complex sale (like subject-matter experts, client success leaders, account managers) and you want to lift your skills to be able to control conversations to a desired outcome.
  • A new seller committed to your own increasing success in sales – an excellent choice of career with mercifully low barriers to entry and almost no ceiling on what you can earn. We’re passionately committed to helping you succeed!

The Slattery Sales Program might NOT be a great fit for you if you are:

  • Less than 90 days into your new role or company. Please finish onboarding first! Otherwise, there’s too much information at once and you won’t get maximum value out of this.
  • Looking for basic "tips & tricks" or a one-call close. The Slattery Sales methods are built from the ground up for complex sales, and while what we teach isn’t difficult, we do lean more into deeper strategy than quick-fix tips and tricks for simple sales.
  • Seeking new ways to manipulate prospects. We’re aware that many sales methods in the marketplace today approach sales combatively and teach ways to control or manipulate prospects. The Slattery Sales methods are built for complex sales in the 21st century, where humility wins and tricky techniques don’t.

What You'll Learn in the Slattery Sales Program:

Our world-class Slattery Sales training has lifted sales performance across thousands of companies worldwide — from one-person professional service entities to top-ranked Fortune organizations such as 3M, Blue Cross, Philips and Wells Fargo.

We've taken our best sales training from the last four decades, we've listened to our clients, and have adapted our material for optimum virtual delivery. This is designed for you.

Module 1: Introduction

You’ll learn our famous “Wimp Junction®” concept that has helped thousands of salespeople shorten their sales cycles, protect their margins, and avoid being pulled down the tracks of the prospect’s buying system (designed to commoditize you).

We also share our timeless “No-Fail Selling Rules” to help you win more, and a simple calculation to illuminate the effect of discounting on your margins.

Module 2: Differentiate – Strategic

Our simple but powerful approach to your unique Differentiating Value is what really sets the Slattery selling system apart from every other sales tactic in the marketplace. 

We’ll help you can win at high value in the marketplace, even when competitors are yelling “We do that too, only cheaper / better / faster!”

Module 3: Differentiate – Tactical

This module contains the most high-value exercise we do with clients to validate their Differentiating Value; we translate it into powerful prospect-centric language that goes beyond Marketing collateral and sounds different from every other competitor. 

We walk you through this valuable exercise, we share common risks to help you avoid them, and we offer case studies so you can see this play out in real-life examples.

Module 4: Target – Strategic

Here, you’ll go beyond seeking the mythical “decision-maker” (which can slow down your sale), and instead find your real targets – the ones who will value your unique differentiators over a competitor’s lower price.

You’ll dig into navigating the org chart, common lies you’ll hear, how to adjust your language for each target, and more; you’ll also go hear case studies that bring these concepts to life.

Module 5: Setting Goals

This module contains our powerful goal-setting exercise designed for sellers and leaders to translate ambitious goals into the non-negotiable behaviors that drive predictable, scalable growth. 

Our clients tell us that this simple calculator can help them prioritize their time, protect their margins, reduce year-end surprises, take back control over your calendar, and fill the pipeline at the optimum cadence.

Module 6: Target – Tactical

This is where we translate your strategic value into real, tactical sales assets that leverage your unique Differentiating Value so you can open more conversations with the right prospects.

As you build your sales assets, we’ll walk you through all the nuance and details to build the strongest possible outreach language and get more hand-raises.  We’ll also share common pitfalls and risks, and how to avoid them.

Module 7: Engage – Strategic

Control the conversation – but never the other person – so it can go where you need it to go. 

In this module, we’ll lay the foundation you need to control even the trickiest conversations with classic Slattery humility, awareness, and nuance, so you can keep their goodwill and cooperation.

Module 8: Communication Keys

The Slattery sales methods are renowned for enhancing communication and clarity.  The Communication Keys we share with you here have been tested and used in thousands of companies over the last four decades.

High-performing elite sellers often note these keys as the primary enhancement that lifted their sales performance when working with us.

Module 9: Three Questions

This short module walks you though the crafting of three powerful questions that carefully and intentionally leverage your unique Differentiating Value.

These three sales assets can help you open prospect-centric conversations that keep you from being commoditized, and can be used again and again as you pursue your sales.

Module 10: Handling Stalls

Pushback from prospects is an inevitable part of selling; the good news is that prospects only have a small handful of stalls, and you can develop a playbook for each one. 

Our simple methods will prepare you to you be ready for anything prospects throw at you in the marketplace, extending the conversation and leveraging your unique value every time.

Module 11: Engage – Call Flow Intro

Getting to clarity in every conversation is essential to avoid being commoditized or getting pulled down the prospect’s side of the tracks at Wimp Junction®.

In this short module, we share the powerful methods our clients use to get to clarity and move conversations forward at a more acceptable cadence.

Module 12: Engage – Call Flow Steps 1-6

We’ll share our simple sales process to collect the information you need on your sales calls, in order to qualify your opportunities in less time.

You’ll be able to determine, faster, whether or not this is an opportunity you can win at an acceptable level of investment of your time and resources.

Module 13: Commit

Learn how to disrupt your prospect’s evaluation & decision process so that it places more value on your differentiators than on a competitor’s lower price.

The insights we share with you here will help you avoid the most common reason late-stage deals are unnecessarily lost, from our experience with 2,400 companies in 170+ industries over the last four decades.

Module 14: Secure

Here, you’ll be able to enhance your approach to securing the business, with special attention to strategically crafting your finalist presentation.

We’ll help you handle unexpected ‘snipers’ out to sabotage your win and develop strategies to protect your win from last-minute competitive assaults.

Module 15: Ongoing Selling & Forecasting

Your best customer is listed on a competitor’s forecast; here, we’ll dive into strategies to protect a client account once the sale has been won, “selling windows”, and the difference between proactive and reactive account management.

We’ll also talk about how to take the fiction out of your sales forecasts (a favorite topic among the Chief Financial Officers at our client companies!), and we’ll walk you through an incredibly valuable advanced strategic exercise called “Competitive Situation Analysis” to help you win even the most competitive high-stakes sales.

You can close more deals with higher revenues, lower expenses, and stronger margins in less time.

It's possible!

  • You can get in front of the right customers.
  • You can protect your deals from ludicrous concessions.
  • You can preserve your premium pricing, even when up against low-priced competitors.
  • You can secure your wins, even when internal & external competitors attempt to sabotage them.
  • You can help your prospects understand the cost of delaying doing business with you.
  • You can lower your selling costs by not spending time with unqualified prospects.

You can have completely different results in 12 months... if you start today.

Frequently Asked Questions



TRAINING, Support, & Community

You're a high achiever who works independently AND thrives with coaching and community support. You're ready to learn, question, and share what's working in the Slattery way with others who are learning alongside you. This rich hybrid program is for you.

  • Twelve months of on-demand world-class sales training
  • Valuable tools and templates to enhance your sales assets
  • Program guides to pace your own progress
  • Monthly semi-private coaching calls with Slattery
  • Ongoing asynchronous Q&A support between calls
  • Online community for extra support and networking
  • Private 1:1 Support


for twelve months

(or save $ by paying in full!)

What Results do our Clients See?

1. Margin Increases

Our clients usually see an increase in margins first, as deals in process are qualified and closed faster.

2. Decommoditization

Our clients start competing more effectively on their real value, no matter what competitors are saying.

3. Revenue Increases

Our clients usually see an increase in sales volume next as their sales momentum picks up.

“Slattery has a unique ability to not only talk about the constructs of sales and the things that are happening, but to put them into real-life situations.”

“Slattery has worked with so many sales professionals and knows so many techniques, Slattery's process is absolutely amazing.

“Most sales presenters are theoretical. Slattery shared real examples of companies and the sales solutions that worked for them.”

Some Fine Print:

No Refunds:

We have a 100% commitment policy – that is, we're totally committed to your success, and we make our material 100% available to you at the moment of purchase. Therefore, there are no refunds.

No Lifetime Access:

We are SO committed to your lift in performance that we do not offer lifetime access to the materials. The 'finish line' is built-in accountability to help you finish the course and get the most out of your investment. (Renewals are available at a special alumni rate, if you want to keep your access after your Program enrollment ends!)

No Distribution or Licensing:

Your purchase of our training material does NOT give you a license to share it with your colleagues, team members, direct reports, leaders, or friends -- no matter how much they beg you to teach them the secrets of your newfound success. (It's a risk that comes with learning the Slattery ways!) We take our intellectual property very seriously; they can purchase their own access, but they can't ride on yours.

What comes next?

We are so excited to work with you!


At our secure checkout.

Our easy and secure checkout means you can get started right away.

After checkout, you'll get emails from us and from our learning management platform with next steps.

(If you don't see anything within 1-2 hours, check your spam!) Make sure to green-light us in your email system.



We all have a graveyard of programs, courses, and masterminds we bought but didn't maximize.

This one is worth the time investment. Block it now.

People who generate revenue are BUSY. Blocking time ensures you maximize your investment here and get the lift you seek.

🗓️ 🗓️ 🗓️


Check your email!

You'll get emails from us and from our learning management platform with next steps.

You'll be able to access all the training material, tools, progress maps, and online community right away.

Introduce yourself in our community; download the course app for training on the go; and join us for the next live strategy call.


See you on the inside!

Meet your coach.

Hi, I'm Jennica Dixon, President of Slattery Sales Group.

I'm passionate about empowering great sellers and companies to win more business, in less time and at higher margins.

My father, Terry Slattery, founded the company when I was a toddler). I have a deep and visceral appreciation of the hard work it takes to generate revenue.

I grew up in the sales training industry (oh, the things I've seen! 😂). After 4 decades, 2,400 companies, and 170+ industries, we've learned a lot.

We can't wait to share with you the timeless wisdom and powerful strategies we've uniquely developed at Slattery to help our clients win complex sales.

"I've worked with the Slattery system for 15 years and our organization has for a lot longer. It's one of the fundamental reasons we have been so successful at acquiring new clients as well as keeping existing customers."

"Slattery's insight into determining what the differentiating value of your product or service is versus your competitors has been transformative for me in my selling career. The methodology to understand a customer's pain and what they are giving up by not doing business with you is genius."

"Slattery taught me how to develop relationships in a very non-threatening manner, nurture and ask questions without being an interrogator, how to ask business appropriate questions no matter how sensitive the subject might be, and how to be a consultative salesperson."