
Jennica Dixon

February 11, 2025


Our new program is launching soon!

The Slattery Sales Group will turn 40 years old this year. 😲🎂🥳

As sales trainers, coaches, and consultants, we’ve always had a signature sales program. Back when we had our in-person training center in Edina, Minnesota, we offered “Boot Camps” – 2-day intensives that saw various revenue-generating types (CEOs, Account Managers, Sellers) from various backgrounds, industries, and titles convene for rich Slattery sales training.

When Covid shut down all in-person work, we (like so many others) pivoted to online delivery. There was no going back -- our clients all went virtual, so we did, too.

We knew, with the advantage of being in this business for four decades, that we couldn't just take what worked pre-Covid and simply apply it to a virtual-first world. Old ways of teaching, training, engaging, and interacting no longer work in quite the same way.

My father, and many of his wonderful sales training colleagues, felt this acutely in the fallout of 2020 as they adapted their material to a virtual world.

➡️ Our virtual-first clients now expect a different training experience. Time shrinks on Zoom. Attention spans are short. Calendars are packed. Questions are deep. Patience is thin. No one has a minute to spare on mediocre delivery.

We have spent the last four years creating, developing, breaking, rebuilding, and optimizing the best of Slattery Sales Group’s four decades of experience. We’ve trained thousands of salespeople in 2,400 different companies across 170+ industries. We’ve learned A LOT, and we wanted to capture it all. And not only capture it, but make it available to our clients in this new era – on THEIR terms.

Our clients want our best and deepest training in both audio AND video formats.

  • They want to inhale the summary points quickly ahead of an important meeting, AND they still want All The Information at their fingertips when they’re ready to take a deep dive.

  • They want to be able to consume it both at a computer AND on the go.

  • They don’t want to wait for us to explain these concepts at some live once-in-a-while training; they want to consume this now, when it works for THEM.

When they DO squeeze in time for live coaching, our clients want their coaching time to matter.

  • They don’t want to be a passive listener on another webinar.

  • They want to flex their skills, ask their questions, and grow their networks.

  • They already inhaled the training – they want follow-up coaching support to actually, really, truly apply those insights to THEIR unique sale.

And our most successful clients have ZERO extra time to waste.

So… we completely rebuilt our training program.

We questioned everything. I trimmed every piece that wasn’t completely laser-focused on getting our clients results. I optimized the rest.

We’re launching it soon, and I’m SO EXCITED to share it with you.

The Slattery Sales Program is our signature sales training program, built (and re-built) from the ground up for high-performing revenue generators TODAY.

It’s not just our favorite stuff stuffed into an online learning-management system. It’s completely redone, refreshed, and retooled for the incredibly-busy high-performing revenue-generator today who’s ready for a lift and has ZERO time to waste.

The Slattery Sales Program combines timeless Slattery sales training, coaching support, a collaborative community, and very few claims on our clients' calendars.

Here are a few of the adjustments we made to accommodate Slattery Sales Program clients in this new era:

🎥 We re-recorded ALL of our sales training and went even deeper into the topics our clints find most valuable. What used to be about 7 hours of training is now 15, with more videos, more case studies, and more context to help our clients. Our clients love going deeper when it works for them – that’s the beauty of pre-recorded training modules!

🛣️We created maps to the curriculum with various paths, like a “Choose Your Own Adventure” game. Want to get JUST the essentials in a few tight hours? Need an executive-level overview of DV? Need an Account-Management path? Need a map for tough conversations? We've got maps for those (and more).

🔉 We provide our training in both video AND audio formats. Some clients want to listen to the Slattery ways on the go; others want to sit at their computer and focus intently on lifting their performance. Whatever works for them, we’re making it possible.

💡 We now collect and curate questions before answering them. Back in our pre-Covid live 2-day in-person Boot Camps, it was normal to take several minutes to ask a question and articulate the real “question beneath the question”. But now, our live sessions are tighter. So clients submit their questions to us when it works for them. We collect and curate the questions so that the answers are valuable for the entire group. It takes more work from us, but the extra thought, curation, and time-savings are valuable to our clients – so it’s worth it.

We now provide most of our Q&A answers asynchronously. Most of the questions are answered asynchronously so we can give them the thought they deserve. We record our answers and make them easily available to clients to consume on their time and on their terms.

⏱️We cut down our live sessions to happen just ONCE a month. We reduced the claims on our clients’ calendars, and they loved it! We gather together on Zoom, collect questions, share our insights on a relevant topic, and celebrate wins. It’s a short, high-impact time.

We also moved the live sessions to an odd time (10:45am CT) so that even if our clients have full calendars with lots of commitments, the odds are higher that they’ll be able to attend PART of the session, since we’re spanning multiple windows on the calendar in one fell swoop. (And if they can't attend at all? No worries, it's recorded!)

🤝 We’re boosting our clients’ ability to network with each other. This was one treasure of pre-Covid live seminars that we’re protecting – and optimizing for our clients so they can grow their networks, which can be the greatest asset for a revenue generator’s career. During our live sessions, we open up the chat line for networking, and we host an online clients-only community on LinkedIn where they can connect and grow their valuable network.

🗓️ We expanded the time container to 12 months. Our clients' complex sales can take many months, so we wanted clients to have access to our support for a full year. A full year of high-impact live monthly sessions. A full year of asynchronous Q&A and our deeply-thought-out insights being applied to THEIR opportunities in process, without any extra drain on their calendar. 

The Slattery Sales Program is re-launching soon. I can’t wait to share it with you! 🍾🥂🎉

It will be available at an early-bird price for a limited time. When we launch it, we’ll announce it by email to our Slattery circle first.

(If you're reading our monthly newsletter, the “Infrequent Flyer”, then you’re in our circle and will be the first to hear about it!)

I'll also share all the details on LinkedIn.  Follow me on LinkedIn here.  

For now, I'm still adding the finishing touches and making sure the client experience is seamless, but I'll be back in your inbox soon.  I just wanted to let you know as soon as possible that this is coming... 🍾🥂 Cheers!

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