The doors to the Slattery Sales Program are opening on March 3 and I want to make sure you have everything you need to join us when the doors open.
So… I’m pulling back the curtain and sharing “everything you need to know” about the program – who’s it for, what it includes, how much it costs, etc.
This video shares all the details, and you can double-speed it using the video settings! See the timestamps below. Remember, you can double-speed this video using the video settings and get ALL THE THINGS in about 15 minutes!
00:40-5:26 ~ Who is the Slattery Sales Program for?
5:26-7:17 ~ What We Do
7:18-8:50 ~ What We Don't Do
8:51-10:08 ~ Who ISN'T the Slattery Sales Program for?
10:09-12:58 ~ Why "High Value"
12:58-25:26 ~ What The Slattery Sales Program includes
25:27-30:54 ~ Investment
30:55-31:17 ~ Thank you
Who is this for?
This program is for elite revenue generators who are seeking a lift in performance and income, and aren’t completely satisfied with the options available in the marketplace to help get that next lift.
You might be a CEO, a founder, a sales leader, or an individual contributor. But you run conversations that generate revenue.
Those conversations can be rewarding, and challenging. You’re ready for fresh insights, but you’ve already been to every seminar; you’ve read all the books; you’ve paid the consultants and coaches; and you have zero time to waste.
I’m passionate about helping you win more.
My name is Jennica Dixon, and my parents started the Slattery Sales Group when I was two years old. How does any business get off the ground? Selling.
And while my parents were selling and working and hustling to grow this business, guess what did they do to bridge the financial gap and make the house payment… They sold other stuff! Soap, vitamins, and skincare.
(Incidentally, we’re still distributors in the Shaklee corporation, so if you need soap, vitamins, or skincare, hit us up!)
I had a childhood because two people who came from nothing were willing to do the hard work of selling, and then selling more.
There’s a common statistic in sales-training circles that only about 3% of the workforce is even willing to do sales (actual SALES, not order-taking), and half of them are in retail.
To the other 1.5%, this is for you.
You might be…
A CEO, running conversations that generate revenue. You may find your clients & prospects increasingly comparing you to competitors who aren’t as good. Maybe they’re even demanding ridiculous concessions, and you need to get your value recognized faster to protect your margins. Maybe you’ve paid the consultants a lot of money to fix the problem, but aren’t completely satisfied with the results.
A founder who needs to scale, and you want to protect both your revenues AND your margins – and your multiple – as you grow. You see competitors on your heels shouting, “We do that too, only cheaper / better / faster”, and you’re not going to let that slide down to commodity status happen on your watch.
A sales leader (which I think is one of the most difficult jobs in the marketplace today); you may be responsible not only for leading a team of salespeople – who are notoriously difficult to lead – but also even your own book of business. You have zero extra time. You may feel like you’re herding cats, and you need to pull the fiction out of the forecast fast so you have fewer nasty surprises at quarter end. (Maybe you’ve even implemented the fancy CRM, but are still awaiting the promised ROI on it.)
An individual contributor who’s achieved success. You’ve been at the top of the leaderboard, you’ve made it to President’s Club, you’ve seen amazing results… But you know that even more lift is possible. You’ve got goals for growth; maybe you want to travel the world more, provide for your family, give even more to the great causes you support. And you’re ready for that growth – but you know it won’t come from tips, tricks, or gimmicks. It won’t come from another sales seminar. And it’s definitely not going to come from that guy your company brings in to do some basic sales training for your team in how to sell.
So – you may be a CEO, a founder, a sales leader or an individual contributor; you’re definitely an elite revenue generator who invests in their own success. You’re ready to lift your performance to the next level. We may be a fit for you.
What we do:
We help our clients win complex sales at high value.
Over the last four decades, we’ve helped more than 2,400 clients (from Fortune 500 elite to small businesses):
Reach the right targets at the right level of their prospect organization, and stay there
Sort out the economically serious from the intellectually curious prospects faster
Win more opportunities at high value, no matter what competitors are saying
Lift closing rates, to win 9 out of 10 offers they put on the table
Mitigate late-stage risks, so they end up with fewer surprises toward closing
Accelerate the cadence of their opportunities in process, protecting margins
Influence the prospect’s process, to favor their unique differentiators over a competitor’s lower price
We go so much deeper than simple sales tactics at Slattery. We don’t do tips, tricks, or gimmicks. We give NO quarter to manipulation tactics. This is advanced business strategy and it’s been honed to help you win, without any extra complication.
Over four decades, we’ve seen A LOT. And we’ve learned A LOT. And we don’t believe in holding anything back. Yes, we could build an empire by piecemealing our knowledge into a ton of little courses and nickel-and-diming our clients into buying one after another. But that’s not how we roll.
We have spent the last four years painstakingly packaging up our four decades of wisdom, experience, hard-earned lessons, insights, and strategies that work. And then, we curated it; filmed it, reworked it, added to it, published the book, and filmed it again. We took feedback from our top clients and dismantled every program we’ve ever run, and built them again from the ground up into one all-access pass completely focused on elite producers.
We want to help you win complex sales at high value in less time, without any extra complication.
Who ISN'T a Fit
Let’s talk about who isn’t a great fit for the Slattery Sales Program.
In a word: Conscripts. At Slattery, we’ve trained sales teams in 2,400 companies in 170 different industries over the last four decades. When we think about our sales training, we distinguish between the “Volunteers” and the “Conscripts”.
Volunteers invest in themselves, pay their own way, absorb new ideas fast, and rise to incredible levels in their careers. “Conscripts” are sent to us by their employer for training; they mostly wonder when we’re going to break for lunch.
This program is not for Conscripts. We would welcome Conscripts in a separate engagement! If you want to send your team to us for training, we can do that well. But this is a space for volunteers to be around other elite revenue professionals.
“High Value”
Let’s talk for a moment about VALUE.
We talk a lot about winning complex sales “at high value”, and you may be asking – why is that so important to Slattery?
The answer is that there are a lot of ways to make sales, and not all of them are at high margins, and there’s a lot of commoditization pressure in the marketplace that make high-value sales challenging.
We’ve known a number of executives who thought they were a great “closer” (as if that’s a thing); they parachute in at the end of a long sales cycle, and effectively give away the business (and, incidentally, the salesperson’s commissions) by discounting.
That’s not selling. Anyone can discount. Discounting doesn’t take skills.
Moreover, discounting hurts the business, because it kills margins. Margins are the mother’s milk of every enterprise.
Margins are proof that the business created more value than it consumed.
I’m not talking about paper tricks with financial statements here – I mean the fundamentals of the business prove that the business is creating more value for the marketplace than it is consuming. That’s profit. That’s margins.
Margins fund growth. Margins fund the future. Future hires, expansion, innovation, investments. None of that can happen if we’re consuming everything and have nothing left over.
We want your business to have the margins it should have. We will empower you to win at high value, no matter what the competitive landscape looks like.
And beyond that, we want you to have margins in your own life, because good things happen at the margins. Having a margin of time means that when something good spontaneously comes up, we have the space to enjoy it. Having a margin of money means that when we’re moved to give, we have cushion to give. We want you to live a life with margins. It all goes together for us. The work we do with clients affects their personal income and their personal lives and we don’t take that lightly.
We’ve spent the last four decades helping clients win complex sales at high value, even in really challenging competitive landscapes. And this program is carefully curated to bring the best of our insights to you so you can win more at high value, too.
What’s Included
Here’s what the Slattery Sales Program includes for you:
On-demand Slattery Sales Training
After four decades of sales training, we have unique perspectives on complex sales, differentiating at high value, navigating the cast of characters, etc. So we always begin every engagement with our core sales training, so that we and our clients have a common language and we’re all ‘on the same page’ when discussing their deals in process and how we can accelerate them. Our training is easily digestible, in short videos that total about 15 hours. It’s carefully curated to help lift your performance.
Clients-Only Training Podcast
For four decades, clients have been telling us they wanted “Slattery in their ear” in order to have our insights with them on-the-go while moving in and out of prospect and client meetings. So we packaged up our training into a private clients-only podcast that you can take with you and take in any time, anywhere.
Time-tested Templates and Scripts
You’re brilliant and already have sales assets, but perhaps you want to refresh them for more efficacy, and you have zero extra time to do it from scratch. So we took the effort to carefully put together templates and scripts that can give you maximum boost in minimum time.
Custom Maps for Unique Paths
Revenue generators now find themselves in a variety of different roles – sales leadership, client success, account management, sales enablement, implementation, operations; they may even be SMEs who have to have tough conversations with prospects and clients. So we created custom maps to the curriculum so that no matter their position relative to the sale, can get the lift they seek in the shortest path possible. Because time is money.
Asynchronous Q&A Coaching Support
Our clients are ridiculously busy people! You may have questions for us, or ideas you want to bounce off of us; you want coaching support and expertise, but you just don’t have the spare time for extra meetings. So we built a brilliant way for you to ask your questions, get the fresh insights you need – asynchronous Q&A support! Simply send us your questions; we’ll collect and curate them, and share our coaching insights with you via private podcast feed (only for Program clients). You can get answers on your time.
Live Monthly Calls
Our most successful clients love to network and collaborate with other elite revenue producers, but it can be hard to find other volunteers who “Get it” (and no one has any extra time to spare!). So we put once-a-month strategy calls on the calendar – because that kind of connection is worth it. We connect, share wins, collaborate; I collect questions so that I can provide an answer asynchronously later in the private client Q&A podcast, and we let our clients collaborate with each other in our live time together. We may bring in outside experts as guests, I may share what I’m seeing in the marketplace… it’s a high-value time our clients love, and takes up hardly any space on their calendar.
Private Clients-Only Group
We’re building an intentional space online where our clients can connect and network with each other in a private group. A revenue generator’s network is THE greatest asset they have, and we want to facilitate that growth. When you’re looking for your next role, imagine not only being able to point out that you’ve invested in your own skills lift (who does that?), but also being able to tap into your network of other brilliant producers for the right connections. It’s powerful.
All of this has been packaged up into one all-access pass that gets you all of this for twelve months.
First, let’s talk about “Buy Cycles”…
We have data on over 2.5 million salespeople, and the data show that 76% (three-quarters!) of them have what’s called a “Non-Supportive Buy Cycle”.
Your “Buy Cycle” is simply the way you go about buying whatever you’d consider to be a significant purchase, whether that’s a mattress or a private yacht.
If you take a long time to decide, set up a spreadsheet, compare your options, talk to friends, read consumer reports, sleep on it for a night or two (or twelve)… then you probably have a long Buy Cycle.
There’s nothing wrong with having a long Buy Cycle; everyone is unique. But you need to be aware that having a long Buy Cycle is not supportive to your selling efforts, because it makes you vulnerable to prospect put-offs.
When a prospect says, “Boy, this has been super interesting, we’re gonna have to consider putting together a committee to start thinking about evaluating this further”, a person with a long Buy Cycle is more likely to say “That makes total sense – it’s what I would do!” A long Buy Cycle can unnecessarily lengthen and sabotage your sales.
I don’t want you to lose time in your opportunities – because of course, time kills margins first, and then deals.
At Slattery, we are out to kill “Think it Overs”. Because a “TIO” from your prospect means there’s fiction in your forecast.
So here’s where I’m going with this: You will not hurt our feelings at all if you decide we’re not the right fit for you. You are an intelligent businessperson who has to make hard decisions around how to invest limited resources, and if we’re not the right investment right now, that’s fine. We wish you massive success. I’ll take a “no”.
And if, after I share all the juicy details of the program investment with you, you decide that we are the right fit for getting you to the next level, awesome – we will be SO excited to work with you, because you’re committed to your own success, and we can work with that.
But what I don’t want for your sake is for you to think it over for the next 9 quarters. I’m going to encourage you, if you think you might lean toward a longer Buy Cycle – one that makes you vulnerable to prospect put-offs and pressures – then use this as practice for coming to either Yes or No quickly.
I’m not telling you to get reckless with your money, because I have a background in banking, and I just can’t. But I am telling you that I can handle a NO, and I can take a YES, but for your sake, I don’t want you to be taking any “Think It Overs” – even from yourself.
The Program includes 12 months of access to:
On-demand Slattery Sales Training
Clients-Only Training Podcast
Time-tested Templates and Scripts
Custom Maps for Unique Paths
Asynchronous Q&A Coaching Support
Live Monthly Calls
Private Clients-Only Group
BONUS Video content: Terry Slattery’s “Ten No-Fail Selling Rules”
BONUS Video content: Terry Slattery’s “What Would Terry Do?”
BONUS Video content: Terry Slattery’s “Boot Camp” curriculum
You can get all of this for $2,100. If you want to pay it over 12 months, we offer a payment plan of $199/month (save $288).
Early-Bird Bonuses
Our early-bird pricing ends March 10. (The price goes up by about $600 after 3/10.)
If you join us by March 10, you will get access to the Terry Slattery archive of sales training videos; GOLD.
And if you join us by then, not only will you get the bonus video content, and the early-bird price, but you’ll also be able to join us for our monthly live call happening on March 12.
We would love to see you at our monthly call on March 12!! 🎊🥳🎉
Obviously, reach out with any questions you have. We’re humans; we answer our own emails, and we would be honored to help you decide if this is or isn’t the right fit for you.
But we have expiring deadline and early-bird bonuses and such to help those with longer buy cycles to start flexing those muscles of coming yes or no faster. It’s good practice. Again, I’m not emotionally invested one way or another; but I want to see you succeed.
Thank you
It would be a privilege to work with you. If you have any questions, we’ll be more than happy to correspond with you to help you decide if this is the right fit for you, so don’t hesitate to email us at
And if you know of any other high-performing producers who want to see a lift in their results when they’re out in the marketplace, running conversations that generate revenue, please send this page to them.
Cheers to your massive success.
Join us in the Slattery Sales Program here. We'd be honored to work with you.
✨ Thank you for stopping by! Glad to have you here. ✨
At Slattery Sales Group, we empower great sellers and companies to win complex sales.
Our clients tell us we help them raise revenues, bolster margins, shorten sales cycles, and compete more effectively in the marketplace. We'd love to help you do that, too.
To expedite your lift:
🔷 Grab our new book HERE and get that important sale moving again.
🔷 Join our all-access program here.
If you want to learn more about how we've helped over 2,400 enterprises enhance their sales processes, contact us through phone: 952-832-5436, or email: We'd love to connect.