Why Closing Skills Aren’t Actually That Important

Jennica Dixon

February 12, 2025

Why Closing Skills Aren’t Actually That Important

We've worked with more than 2,400 companies over the last 35+ years in the capacity of sales training, coaching and consulting. And in that time, I've heard many salespeople say things like, "I'm a really good closer", or "I'm a really good negotiator."

They usually say that before we start working together. Sometimes it's a way of saying, "My employer sent me here for training, and that was ridiculous of them because I already know everything." But it could also be a signal that this person places a lot of emphasis on the wrong skills.

Closing is one of those skills that people mistakenly assume a good salesperson needs. And by 'closing', they often mean the old approaches like "Grab 'em by the tie, and choke 'em 'til they buy!" and, "Don't take 'no' for an answer!'

The truth is that if you run the sale well, closing is a non-event. It's really anticlimactic. 

If you've run your sale well, if you've been qualifying the selling opportunity, if you've been following your sales process, if you've been doing all the right things in the sale, then closing is a non-event.

Because in fact, you've been closing the whole time.

A good sales process will help you run your sale so you're closing at every step along the way so you know exactly what happens next, and your prospects don't go dark on you. If you follow your process well and qualify the opportunity, then you're actually closing at every step of the sale.

When I hear people say, "I'm a really great closer," I have to wonder: is it because the sale wasn't run well that you have to put in 90% of your effort at closing time? If so, you're probably working too hard.

Great salespeople are very good at running the sale in a way where "closing" at the end isn't a big deal at all, because they've been closing the whole time, at every step along the way.

So I would encourage you to make sure that you're following a sales process that works, and gaining agreement from your prospect every step of the way so you always know what happens next.

Because when you're doing all the right things and closing at every step, then "closing" the deal is ultimately a non-event.


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