Why SELLER Is Such a Unique Role in Your Organization

Jennica Dixon

February 14, 2025

Why SELLER Is Such a Unique Role in Your Organization

We often help executives hire the right sales talent for their enterprise, because the role of "seller" is crazy hard to fill (and crazy expensive to fill incorrectly).

If you're a leader, you may intuitively recognize that hiring a seller is different from filling any other role in the enterprise... but you may not be able to articulate why, especially when your hiring team insists on using the same process to fill sales roles as marketing, engineering, finance, and ops roles.

You're not wrong. Here's why.

Every other role in the organization (admin, ops, legal, finance, manufacturing, HR, anything) works toward their goal in concert WITH other humans. This means that all the other humans they encounter in their day will generally support and augment their efforts. Even if they hate each other, everybody's rowing the same direction in the same boat.

The salesperson, on the other hand, works toward their goal AGAINST other humans. This means that all the other humans they encounter in their day will generally sabotage them, block them, shut the door in their face, and send them back out to the parking lot.

In a seller's day, if they're doing their job well, they will get stopped, blocked, and rejected at every turn.

That is the critical difference between the seller and every other role in the enterprise. The strengths that support their success will be different from the strengths needed in other roles. The weaknesses that sabotage their success will be different from the weaknesses that take out other roles. And the markers of a "good fit" will be vastly different than the markers that fit other hires.

If you're hiring one or more sellers to get your enterprise to the next level of growth, reach out to me. I'd love to chat. Helping our clients find the right talent that's aligned to the sale they need executed in the marketplace is one of our passions, and we'd love to help you optimize that fit.


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At Slattery Sales Group, we empower great sellers and companies to win complex sales.

Our clients tell us we help them raise revenues, bolster margins, shorten sales cycles, and compete more effectively in the marketplace.  We'd love to help you do that, too.

To expedite your progress:

🔷 Grab our new book HERE and get that important sale moving again.

🔷Get quick-start training to shorten your sales cycle and avoid being commoditized here.

🔷Boost your own sales skills (and earning potential!) in our advanced program here.

If you want to learn more about how we've helped over 2,400 enterprises enhance their sales processes, contact us through phone: 952-832-5436, or email: info@slatterysales.com. We'd love to connect.

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